Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Lubitel 2.

A 2 week eBay obsession on old film cameras resulted in 5 cameras shortly joining the party.  I started bidding on cameras I didn't expect to win, but I did.  I tried for Fed-2s, Rollie's, Kievs, Rollieflex (still determined to get one) and the Holy Grail of rangefinders - Leica's.  I've already used up my budget and the Fav Five is more than enough to keep my busy for the summer.

The first to arrive is the Lubitel 2 (05/04/2012).  - Lubitel (cyrillic: Любитель) means "amateur" in Russian. The Lubitel 2 was made in great numbers by the Leningrad GOMZ (later LOMO) factory. More than two million were produced between 1954 and 1980.  I'm not sure when mine was made but it looks like a 70s model.  I still have to check the to see if I can find any Serial Number info on the Net.

The lenses look clean but the viewer mirror has black specks on it.  It shouldn't affect the picture since it does not go through the taking lens, but it's just annoying.  Medium foramt 120 processing is not easily available, so I'm thinking of shooting 35mm on it.  I know, I's just WRONG! (purist talking)  but I hope to shoot some 120 pics on it soon also.

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