Friday, May 28, 2010

BJs PM Porter.

a quick snack stop at BJs before the weekly family book hunting trips.

J on a Razor Drifter.

pacman mints.

battle scars.

so? what dya think? got this phone in 2008, 2nd generation iPhone 3G.
dropped it rsmack on the asphalt while rushing to catch my bus last
year Nov. cracks were tolerable, only on the upper right side. well, I
really should not walk and text while trying to catch my bus, again
last week dropped it! now the cracks crawled across the screen and
tiny glass is falling out! used clear packing tape to keep the glass
together, actually works pretty good. u can't even tell it has tape on

I'm not due for upgrade until July of this year.... 4G? I'll probably
get it or maybe a 2nd Gen iPad? who knows...

but for know, I've decided that I'll operate on my iPhone and do a
screen transplant. stay tuned for developments of this project.

so, if u have a broken iPhone screen and u don't feel like dishing out
another ben franklin+, let me know and i'll have your beloved iPhone
screen as good as new for a lot less...