Saturday, July 31, 2010

spotted in a Rocky Mountain Choco Co.

DefCon 18 - Day 1

I've been wanting and planning to go to DefCon for the last few years and always missed it due to one thing or another. well, the worst drive to Vegas... finally made it but not until late afternoon. and yes.. the cool badges the unlocks a lot of hacker fun ran out. here's the $140 plastic pass I got.... got to get to DefCon 19 early next year!! and hoping to take more people... ehem, hacker buddies with me next year....

But before I continue... here


7,000+ hackers in one big wifi playground?? plus the Feds, the Agency... you have to be really brave.

South Point Resort and Casino

just arriving... there are loooong hallways in this mega huge hotel. in Vegas for DefCon the hacker conference, but no worries, we are 10 miles away from them...