Saturday, February 20, 2010

last status check for the day.

last few updates in twitterville and the feeburvia... represent ppl,
send a status update at least once a day.

wii wins.

down for the count. today, wii wins.

healthy shopping.

healthy living, starts with healthy shopping. you are what you eat? powered by rice? nope, not here. stopped eating too much complex carbs, sodium and fat for a while now. processed frozen food found in your local markets will slowly kill you. read the label and see what's in it. eating out all the time? think twice.

don't get me wrong, i love eating. in fact, i am constantly eating all day long. but I pick what I eat carefully. eat to fuel physical activities and maximize mental performance. plus, portion control is a major key.

alcohol? excessive amounts and addicting buzzed feeling. FAIL! get your high from working out, endorphin highs are the only highs you should experience. get out and start running, JUST DO IT!! No Fear!

eat well, live long and enjoy life. peace out!